Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationSmeads Domestic

9Domino of Ide12Blue Flash of Ide0Cartref Contender12Harley Courtier12Cobnar Majestic of Harley
12Harley Blue Gown
0Cartref Gay Model12Gaylord of Woodhaw
0Cartref Clover
0Merryworth Mayflower12Lucky Shandy of Merryworth12Foxham Migrant
12Falconers Candace
0Falconers Coronation12Alexandran Jasper
12Falconers Corylus
16Rodwood Lass of Sandover12Falconers Mark of Ware12Falconers Workman of Ware13Sir Galahad of Ware
12Falconers Contest
12Falconers Wisdom13Sir Galahad of Ware
12Falconers Careful
0Mareway Marie0Bramble Boy0John of Southbourne
0Admiration of Southbourne
0Bandoos Lucy Jane0Karlos
0 Long Ditch Lady
12Cinderella of Smeads0Firestep of Smeads12Harley Sandylands Flare12Gaylord of Woodhaw12Silver Templa of Ware
0Peewit of Ware
12Blue Dawn of Ulwell12Whoopee of Ware
0Dazzler of Cranford
0Smeads Adoption of Exeview0Gulval Dowboy0Gulval Brigadier
0Blue Belle of Motala
0Premier Bluebell0Harley Study
10Progress of Exevale
9Burnbakes Clove of Beaunash12Curator of Beaunash15Cadeau of Beaunash14Gannaways Treetops Tribune
0Campanula of Beaunash
7Sunflower of Motala0Silver Starlight of Ulwell
11Bronze Velvet
0Burnbakes Orange Blossom0Bellavista Joyful12Falconers Padlock of Ware
0Jill of Langdons
0Burnbakes Bellsella0Hurnway Ambition
0Knobscrook Lady
Pedigree de Smeads Domestic proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis