Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationAxa Amulett

12Valstar Craftsman16Colinwood Cowboy
Comments : GBCH
16Blackmoor Brand7Dellah Gay Boy
12Blackmoor Bertha
16Colinwood Cigarette
Comments : = Gwynbryn Glorianna = Blackmoor Brynwyn
16Blackmoor Bertie
12Gwynbryn Gloria
9Cobnar Mist12Cobnar Compact12Harley Courtier
Comments : = Cartref Cobblestone
0Cobnar Blossom
0Margot of Wyngates9Happy Jest of Ware
0Cobnar Magpie
0Örlidens Loretta12Valstar Craftsman16Colinwood Cowboy
Comments : GBCH
16Blackmoor Brand
16Colinwood Cigarette
Comments : = Gwynbryn Glorianna = Blackmoor Brynwyn
9Cobnar Mist12Cobnar Compact
0Margot of Wyngates
0Lindevangens Ditte12Uglsøs Dirk12Dinahs Dirken
1Uglsøs Swallow
12Lindevangens Dina12Dobrow Designer (Dukie)
16Lindevangens Countess
Pedigree de Axa Amulett proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis