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male Punch D (Rex x Anita)

Name : Punch D (Rex x Anita)
Gender : Male
Reg number : AKC 6467
Date of birth : 7 September 1886
Country of origin : United States

Additional information

Colour : Liver & White
French quoted value : Unknown/unspecified
Left Hip Score : Unknown/unspecified
Right Hip Score : Unknown/unspecified
Hip dysplasia precision : -
Clinical eye examination : Unknown/unspecified
Result : Unknown/unspecified
Prcd-PRA genetic test : Unknown/unspecified
Eye precision : -
Familial nephropathy : Unknown/unspecified
Website : -
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Breeder and owner
No breeder or owner declared as member
0Rex (Brag x Daisy M)
1Brag (Wildair x Little Buttercup)
Reg number : AKC 5855
Date of birth : 20/05/1880
Colour : Black
Date of birth : 07/02/1878
0Little Buttercup
0Daisy M (Col. Stubbs x Bess)
8Colonel Stubbs
Reg number : AKR 302 - AKC 4676
Date of birth : 08/05/1880
Colour : Liver & White
0Bess (Snipe x Juliet)
8Anita (Col. Stubbs x Daisy Jean)
Reg number : AKC 15384
Date of birth : 15/10/1885
Colour : Liver & White
8Colonel Stubbs
Reg number : AKR 302 - AKC 4676
Date of birth : 08/05/1880
Colour : Liver & White
8Captain (Romeo x Juliette)
Reg number : AKR 301 - AKC 1354
Date of birth : 16/06/1874
Colour : Liver & White
8 Flirt (Shot x Lou)
Reg number : AKC 3148
Date of birth : 00/00/1878
Colour : Liver & White
9Daisy Dean
Reg number : AKR 304 - AKC 4313
Date of birth : 17/10/1879
Colour : Black & White
Date of birth : 07/02/1878
6Fannie (Jack x Topsy)
Reg number : AKR 383 - AKC 1385
Date of birth : 00/10/1876
Colour : Liver
Family relationships in the database
3 Logs
  • Dog form modified by Opa on 14/11/2015 15:48:10 • Details
  • Dog form modified by Cassandre on 17/09/2007 15:55:47 • Details
  • Dog form created by Cassandre on 18/08/2006 16:10:22
  • No other logs