Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi

12Palacecraig Go West12Glowhill Appollo Severn12Dearnewood Star Venture
12Glowhill Galaxy
12Palacecraig Be Fair12Palacecraig Vagabond
12Palacecraig Touch And Go
12Lennoxgrove Victoria at Palacecraig15Shelohn Surely Great of Lennoxgrove12Palacecraig Vagabond
12Shelohn Northern Dancer
12Quettadene Angelica12Dearnewood Star Venture
12Quettadene Bittersweet
Pedigree de Lennoxgrove Temptress at Palacecraig proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis