Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationMila des Templiers

4Yoo Hoo's Beauty I'Yulticolor15Yoo Hoo's Beauty H'Ynvicible12Silver Sky of Ulwell12Colinwood Silver Lariot
Commentaires : GBCH
16Tortilla of Ulwell
12Sara of Lochnell0Silver Boy of Lochnell
16Lochnell Rebecca of Ulwell
2Wanda of Lochnell2Talwrn Hurricane of Lochnell2Sixshot Rainbird of Lochnell
2Lochnell Dawnette of Ulwell
0Primula of Lochnell2Sunflame of Sandover
0Primrose of Andana
1Hallegra des Templiers1Black Boots of Broomleaf1Bootboy of Broomleaf
Commentaires : Voir SB AP
1Broomleaf Torquil of Churdles
2Broomleaf Camellia of Dorswick
Commentaires : GBSHCH
2Bonny Belle of Kenavon2Broomleaf Maestro of Kenavon
2Beaubelle of Kenavon
2Edouce des Templiers2Treetops Trig
Commentaires : Ch Fr CS 1956, MG, Ita Trialer
2Treetops Trigger Happy
2Sanjon Starlet
2Divine des Templiers4Yoo Hoo's Beauty S'Yank
7Xenia des Templiers
Pedigree de Mila des Templiers proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis