Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationWhimsey of Deepdene

13Sir Galahad of Ware12Manxman of Ware12Whoopee of Ware12Churchdene Invader12Invader of Ware
12 Blue Rocket
9Foxham Minx12Corn Crake
12Foxham Magpie
12Devotion of Lewaigue12Piethorne Jerry12Rocklyn Algie
0Piethorne Roana
0Dulcet of Lewaigue12Rocklyn Surprise
0Rocklyn Crystal
12Falconers Confidence12Silver Flare of Ware12Deebanks Marcus12Southernwood Critic
12Inquisitive Floss
12Baxter Betty12Cooleen Dandy Boy
12Joyce of Blackdown
12Falconers Caution12Cobnar Critic12Southernwood Critic
12Falconers Spangle
16Falconers Cowslip12Invader of Ware
16Exquisite of Ware
0Susan of Deepdene12Manxman of Ware12Whoopee of Ware12Churchdene Invader12Invader of Ware
12 Blue Rocket
9Foxham Minx12Corn Crake
12Foxham Magpie
12Devotion of Lewaigue12Piethorne Jerry12Rocklyn Algie
0Piethorne Roana
0Dulcet of Lewaigue12Rocklyn Surprise
0Rocklyn Crystal
0Pixie of Deepdene12Cobnar Frost12Cobnar Critic12Southernwood Critic
12Falconers Spangle
16Falconers Cowslip12Invader of Ware
16Exquisite of Ware
0Pam of Deepdene0Dominic of Deepdene12Cobnar Critic
0Dawn of Deepdene
0Archdale Bynanza12Creekside Powder
12Machars Venture
Pedigree de Whimsey of Deepdene proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis