Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationComanche of Ranch-Aero

12Malting Blue Paddy
Commentaires : AMCH 11-47
12Sandylands Blue Paddy0Square Knight0Stainless Scion
0Sonnet of Meudwy
0Sonnet of Aingarth12Alexandran Jasper
12Silver Sonnet of Ware
Commentaires : = Aryan Maid
0Sandylands Blue Fidget12Harley Sandylands Flare
Commentaires : = Brackenhurst Blue
12Gaylord of Woodhaw
Commentaires : = Grey Owl of Smeads
12Blue Dawn of Ulwell
Commentaires : Parkhurst Blue Dawn
0Sandylands Blue Damsel9Happy Jest of Ware
0Sandylands Blue Duchess
Commentaires : = Fickle Fortune
12Malting Minx
Commentaires : AMCH 11-47
12Harley Courtier
Commentaires : = Cartref Cobblestone
12Cobnar Majestic of Harley
Commentaires : = Cobnar Majestic
13Sir Galahad of Ware
12Cobnar Gem
12Harley Blue Gown
Commentaires : = Parkhurst Blue Gown = Blue Gown of Ulwell
12Whoopee of Ware
Commentaires : = Foxham Magnate Best Gun Dog & RBIS Crufts 1934 56 CC, 28 BIS, environ 500 premiers prix Père de 12 champions
0Dazzler of Cranford
0Attraction of the Malting12Gaylord of Woodhaw
Commentaires : = Grey Owl of Smeads
12Silver Templa of Ware
Commentaires : Best Gun Dog & RBIS Crufts 1937 Vendu ensuite en Australie
0Peewit of Ware
0Banca of the Malting10Goldspeck of Ware
0Martinsthorpe Damsel
Commentaires : = Damozel of Dellcroft
Pedigree de Comanche of Ranch-Aero proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis