Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationBilco of Laugherne

14Gannaways Treetops Tribune
Kommentare : = Harley Treetops Tribune
0Alert of Deepdene16Blackmoor Bertram7Ottershaw Ricardo
Kommentare : = Charlston Mirage
12Blackmoor Navy Blue
0Susan of Deepdene12Manxman of Ware
Kommentare : = Draw Boy of Lewaigue = Melfort Manxman Acquis en 1935 par le Maharadjah Dhiraj of Patiala
0Pixie of Deepdene
0Blackmoor Bianca0Dominic of Deepdene12Cobnar Critic
0Dawn of Deepdene
0Jennifer of Deepdene12Cobnar Frost
Kommentare : GBCH
0Dawn of Deepdene
0Moonbeam of Laugherne12Harley Courtier
Kommentare : = Cartref Cobblestone
12Cobnar Majestic of Harley
Kommentare : = Cobnar Majestic
13Sir Galahad of Ware
12Cobnar Gem
12Harley Blue Gown
Kommentare : = Parkhurst Blue Gown = Blue Gown of Ulwell
12Whoopee of Ware
Kommentare : = Foxham Magnate Best Gun Dog & RBIS Crufts 1934 56 CC, 28 BIS, environ 500 premiers prix Père de 12 champions
0Dazzler of Cranford
0Gullible of Ware12Gay Knight of Ware
Kommentare : = Gay Bow of Swinbrook
9Felbrigg Beau Brocade
Kommentare : A M. de Broux (Chenil de Neyrhain)
0Ermine of Swinbrook
0Silver Torment of Ware12Silver Flare of Ware
Kommentare : = Baxter Bounce
0Tormentilla of Ware
Pedigree de Bilco of Laugherne proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis