Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationQuesting Seanymph

12Donleen Dante0Blue Prince of Wem0Falconers Fieldfare12Falconers Watchman
12Falconers Greylag
12Notchka of Ware12Falconers Padlock of Ware
Kommentare : = Falconers Padlock
0Sidrow Queen
0Limefield Lillian10Cloverfield Dellah Teal0Dellah Bonny Boy
0Lita of Brynledor
15Leonie of Limefield9Merry Marine
15Iolanthe of Limefield
0Questing Fushia12Harley Sandylands Flare
Kommentare : = Brackenhurst Blue
12Gaylord of Woodhaw
Kommentare : = Grey Owl of Smeads
12Silver Templa of Ware
Kommentare : Best Gun Dog & RBIS Crufts 1937 Vendu ensuite en Australie
0Peewit of Ware
12Blue Dawn of Ulwell
Kommentare : Parkhurst Blue Dawn
12Whoopee of Ware
Kommentare : = Foxham Magnate Best Gun Dog & RBIS Crufts 1934 56 CC, 28 BIS, environ 500 premiers prix Père de 12 champions
0Dazzler of Cranford
0Questing Juniper0Judge of Bondgate14Treetops Tortoiseshell
0 Julet The Hoolet
0 Julet The Hoolet0Headland Harrier
0 Lady Bon Ton
Pedigree de Questing Seanymph proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis