Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationFalconers Fan of Ware

12Thornfalcon Fanfare of Ware
Kommentare : S.Am. Ch
12Spellbinder of Ware12Joywyns Blue Boy of Ware
Kommentare : GBSHCH BIG Crufts 1952
12Fantee Silver Sentinel
12Cartref Charmer
12Tracey Witch of Ware
Kommentare : GBSHCH 1947 BIS Cruft 1948 & 1950 Best Bitch in Show Crufts 1953 = Witch of Tracey
12Falconers Padlock of Ware
Kommentare : = Falconers Padlock
Kommentare : Achetée sur un marché par le major Weldon
12Barings Taffeta of Thornfalcon12Witchdoctor of Ware
Kommentare : GBSHCH
12Falconers Mark of Ware
Kommentare : = Falconers Marksman
12Tracey Witch of Ware
Kommentare : GBSHCH 1947 BIS Cruft 1948 & 1950 Best Bitch in Show Crufts 1953 = Witch of Tracey
16Barings Lilac Lou12Oxshott Marxedes
Kommentare : GBCH CC Crufts 1948 Décédé en Oct 1960
7Barings White Violet
0Falconers Brenda of Ware0Falconers Craftsman of Ware12Falconers Workman of Ware
Kommentare : = Falconers Workman
13Sir Galahad of Ware
12Falconers Contest
12Falconers Contest12Whoopee of Ware
Kommentare : = Foxham Magnate Best Gun Dog & RBIS Crufts 1934 56 CC, 28 BIS, environ 500 premiers prix Père de 12 champions
12Falconers Carla
0Falconers Ballad0Hurnway Advocate13Sir Galahad of Ware
0Gorseland Gabriel
12Falconers Greylag12Falconers Workman of Ware
Kommentare : = Falconers Workman
12Falconers Hemlock
Pedigree de Falconers Fan of Ware proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis