Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationBlack Jade of Lochnell

1Treetops Walkie Talkie
Kommentare : GBSHCH
1Treetops Trader
Kommentare : GBSHCH
1Treetops Foxbar Cognac
Kommentare : = Foxbar Cognac
2Treetops Truce
1Foxbar Sandylands Silk
Kommentare : = Sandylands Black Silk
1Treetops Trillion2Treetops Truce
1Treetops Tarsi
2Treetops Tiller Girl2Treetops Taxpayer1Treetops Foxbar Cognac
Kommentare : = Foxbar Cognac
0Satinway Treetops Thorough
1 Dry Tinder1Treetops Foxbar Cognac
Kommentare : = Foxbar Cognac
2 Lovely Golden Sunset
2Limelight of Lochnell2Pondongrove Borach of Lochnell2Craigomus Critic of Ide
Kommentare : GBSHCH
2Golden Rule of Ide
Kommentare : GBSHCH
2Crocus of Aingarth
2Ulwell Goldendream of Buttsbury2Goldenstar of Ulwell
2Sprite of Buttsbury
1Lochnell Black Starette of Ulwell1Blackstar of Ulwell2Goldenstar of Ulwell
1Pennrayne of Oxshott
2Lochnell Minette of Ulwell2Goldenstar of Ulwell
2Firelight of Beclands
Pedigree de Black Jade of Lochnell proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis