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male Ambridge Bystander of Stubham

Name : Ambridge Bystander of Stubham
Geschlecht : Rüde
ZB-Nr. : KC 015813/61 - S14755/61 - SF1287/63
Wurftag : 19 März 1961
Ursprungsland : United Kingdom (The)

Zusätzliche Informationen

Farbe : Unbekannt
Cotation : Unbekannt
Hip Score links : Unbekannt
Hip Score rechts : Unbekannt
HD Ergebnis : -
PRA - Cord 1 : Unbekannt
Augenuntersuchung (DOK) : Unbekannt
Ergebnis : Unbekannt
Augenuntersuchung : -
Fucosidosis : Unbekannt
PFK : Unbekannt
Website : -
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Hyperion of Stubham
Alexander of Stubham
Boxer of Bramhope
Peters Benefactor
Pleasant Peter
Beauchief Benefactor
St Peter's Victoria
Pasture Toddy
Turbary Toff
Pasture Marcia
Bramhope Suzette
Tim of Chastleton
Peter of Shotton
Charming of Chastleton
Lilac Beauty
Brookhill Dignity
Brookhill Tesscon
Susan of Stubham
Chief of Staff
Hercule of Rafehill
Peter of Shotton
Dawn Of Fortune of Rafehill
Glenbrook Lass
Hillsboro Pat
Auchanbrick Judy
Globelands Rona
Whaddon Chase Robin
Higham Ticket
Belle of Globe
Lion of Harting
Non of Harting
Floravon Silverstar
Studley Major
Boxer of Bramhope
Peters Benefactor
Pleasant Peter
Pasture Toddy
Bramhope Suzette
Tim of Chastleton
Lilac Beauty
Bountiful of Beechfield
Grand Lodge
Boxer of Bramhope
Jordanstown Lass
Soubrette of Happeedaze
Peters Benefactor
Belchamp Cedilla
Starlet of Stubham
Alexander of Stubham
Boxer of Bramhope
Peters Benefactor
Bramhope Suzette
Susan of Stubham
Chief of Staff
Globelands Rona
Belle of Billingley
Duke of Clovelly
Robinson Crusoe
Kin Martin Wee Yin
Lady of Essex
Monty of Serpentine
Milk Maid
Hawkhill Freckles
Hawkhill Dambuster
Floravon Robin Adair
Sea Ranger of Stubham
Alexander of Stubham
Boxer of Bramhope
Susan of Stubham
Chrystabelle of Stubham
Shaughn of Stubham
Susan of Stubham
Starshine of Stubham
Boxer of Bramhope
Peters Benefactor
Bramhope Suzette
Susan of Stubham
Chief of Staff
Globelands Rona
Prudence of Stubham
Alexander of Stubham
Boxer of Bramhope
Peters Benefactor
Bramhope Suzette
Susan of Stubham
Chief of Staff
Globelands Rona
Enchantress of Stubham
Shaughn of Stubham
Ideal Stamp
Bramhope Bonny Face
Sheila of Stubham
Boxer of Bramhope
Susan of Stubham
Candida of Cloudbrook
Alexander of Stubham
Boxer of Bramhope
Peters Benefactor
Pleasant Peter
Pasture Toddy
Bramhope Suzette
Tim of Chastleton
Lilac Beauty
Susan of Stubham
Chief of Staff
Hercule of Rafehill
Glenbrook Lass
Globelands Rona
Whaddon Chase Robin
Belle of Globe
Nanette of Stubham
Sea Ranger of Stubham
Alexander of Stubham
Boxer of Bramhope
Susan of Stubham
Chrystabelle of Stubham
Shaughn of Stubham
Susan of Stubham
Sheila of Stubham
Boxer of Bramhope
Peters Benefactor
Bramhope Suzette
Susan of Stubham
Chief of Staff
Globelands Rona
3 Änderungen
  • Eltern geändert durch Opa am 28/06/2015 16:25:55 • Details
  • Datensatz geändert von Opa on 28/06/2015 16:22:18 • Details
  • Datensatz angelegt von Opa am 10/04/2014 14:09:08
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