Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi

12Cobnar Majestic of Harley13Sir Galahad of Ware12Manxman of Ware12Whoopee of Ware12Churchdene Invader
9Foxham Minx
12Devotion of Lewaigue12Piethorne Jerry
0Dulcet of Lewaigue
12Falconers Confidence12Silver Flare of Ware12Deebanks Marcus
12Baxter Betty
12Falconers Caution12Cobnar Critic
16Falconers Cowslip
12Cobnar Gem12Cobnar Frost12Cobnar Critic12Southernwood Critic
12Falconers Spangle
16Falconers Cowslip12Invader of Ware
16Exquisite of Ware
0Cobnar Jean12Rocklyn Algie12Dazzle of Dunkery
11Daphne of Dunkery
9Woldland Jean12Southernwood Critic
0Woldland Peggy
0Harley Susan12Gaylord of Woodhaw12Silver Templa of Ware12Silver Flare of Ware12Deebanks Marcus
12Baxter Betty
12Treyford Clover12Whoopee of Ware
12Marley Betty
0Peewit of Ware12Whoopee of Ware12Churchdene Invader
9Foxham Minx
0Wheedler of Ware12Freelance of Ware
16Falconers Cowslip
0Snowdrop of Sandpits12Blaedown Bonus12Luckystar of Ware12Joyful Joe
12Wildflower of Ware
14Piethorne Peach0Coppington Critique
0Oulderhill Silvergilt
2Sunflower of Sandpits0Heathmynd Patrol of Sandpits1Fortune of Five Diamonds
0Sobenhal Joan
1Ninon of Fineshade12Ace of Fineshade
Pedigree de Meg of the Peak proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis