Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationBarnscar Forties

12Barnscar Ajax0Randline Rendezvous (1)12Jaycee Marxedeson12Oxshott Marxedes12Falconers Mark of Ware
0Berrazanne of Oxshott
12Jaycee Motala Turquoise12Flare of Motala
7Hartgrove Orange Petal
0Randline RomanticUnknownUnknown
0Questing Seanymph12Donleen Dante0Blue Prince of Wem0Falconers Fieldfare
12Notchka of Ware
0Limefield Lillian10Cloverfield Dellah Teal
15Leonie of Limefield
0Questing Fushia12Harley Sandylands Flare12Gaylord of Woodhaw
12Blue Dawn of Ulwell
0Questing Juniper0Judge of Bondgate
0 Julet The Hoolet
12Questing Seasprite12Donleen Dante0Blue Prince of Wem0Falconers Fieldfare12Falconers Watchman
12Falconers Greylag
12Notchka of Ware12Falconers Padlock of Ware
0Sidrow Queen
0Limefield Lillian10Cloverfield Dellah Teal0Dellah Bonny Boy
0Lita of Brynledor
15Leonie of Limefield9Merry Marine
15Iolanthe of Limefield
0Questing Fushia12Harley Sandylands Flare12Gaylord of Woodhaw12Silver Templa of Ware
0Peewit of Ware
12Blue Dawn of Ulwell12Whoopee of Ware
0Dazzler of Cranford
0Questing Juniper0Judge of Bondgate14Treetops Tortoiseshell
0 Julet The Hoolet
0 Julet The Hoolet0Headland Harrier
0 Lady Bon Ton
Pedigree de Barnscar Forties proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis