Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi

12Samson of Shardaston12Jaycee Marxedeson12Oxshott Marxedes12Falconers Mark of Ware12Falconers Workman of Ware
12Falconers Wisdom
0Berrazanne of Oxshott1Oxshott Podget
0Lady Lancelot
12Jaycee Motala Turquoise12Flare of Motala12Harley Sandylands Flare
0 Silver Sonia
7Hartgrove Orange Petal0Broomleaf Bolt of Motala
0Sweet Orange Girl
0Caroline of Shardaston12Marcus of Akron of Ware12Falconers Mark of Ware12Falconers Workman of Ware
12Falconers Wisdom
0Kyra of Akron0Maxim of Akron
12Melfort Melda
0Taymar Teasel12Blue Flash of Ide0Cartref Contender
0Merryworth Mayflower
0Ribblevalley EnchantressUnknown
12Bluebell Highland Lassie9Domino of Ide12Blue Flash of Ide0Cartref Contender12Harley Courtier
0Cartref Gay Model
0Merryworth Mayflower12Lucky Shandy of Merryworth
0Falconers Coronation
16Rodwood Lass of Sandover12Falconers Mark of Ware12Falconers Workman of Ware
12Falconers Wisdom
0Mareway Marie0Bramble Boy
0Bandoos Lucy Jane
12Lucklena Melodious Maid12Valstar Glow of Ide12Blue Flash of Ide0Cartref Contender
0Merryworth Mayflower
9Cobnar Mist12Cobnar Compact
0Margot of Wyngates
0Lucklena Melodious12Blue Flash of Ide0Cartref Contender
0Merryworth Mayflower
0Lucklena Melody0Stuart Cavalier
0Migrant Melody
Pedigree de Hightrees Enchanteress proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis