Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationHeber of Hy-Niall

12Nostrebor Marco of Hy-Niall12Oxshott Marxedes12Falconers Mark of Ware12Falconers Workman of Ware13Sir Galahad of Ware
12Falconers Contest
12Falconers Wisdom13Sir Galahad of Ware
12Falconers Careful
0Berrazanne of Oxshott1Oxshott Podget12Falconers Padlock of Ware
2Red Rougette of Oxshott
0Lady Lancelot13Sir Galahad of Ware
0Blossomfield Butterfly
0Merry Coleen0Maxim of Sunnybank9Happy Jest of Ware12Whoopee of Ware
16Exquisite Model of Ware
0Judy of Sunnybank0Joker of Sunnybank
1Diana of Sunnybank
0Loc Garmain Girl0Maxim of Akron12Silver Templa of Ware
12Melfort Melda
0Ardsdown Ardent9Merry Marine
12Cobleigh Pride
0Merry Coleen0Maxim of Sunnybank9Happy Jest of Ware12Whoopee of Ware12Churchdene Invader
9Foxham Minx
16Exquisite Model of Ware12Whoopee of Ware
0Janet of Ide
0Judy of Sunnybank0Joker of Sunnybank1Bazel Otto
2Stella of Notac
1Diana of Sunnybank0Dashing Dinkie
1Vanity of Coat-Hey
0Loc Garmain Girl0Maxim of Akron12Silver Templa of Ware12Silver Flare of Ware
12Treyford Clover
12Melfort Melda12Whoopee of Ware
9Melfort Magpie
0Ardsdown Ardent9Merry Marine12Dobrow Dash
10 Mariner's Glory
12Cobleigh Pride0Vevara Sheik
0Mountjoy Blossom
Pedigree de Heber of Hy-Niall proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis