Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationFriesland Garrie

15Friesland Frenchie0Crusader of Kassonmere0Spotlight of Ide16Blackmoor Brand
0Colinwood Mirette
10Corn Silk of Kassonmere0Starturn of Ide
0Martinsthorpe Felicity
0Gulval Wallflower0Gulval Brigadier12Allwin Sam
7Gulval Sunflower
Commentaires : GBCH
0Gulval Blue Bubbles10Trustful Flare
12Gulval Belladonna
12Friesland Annette12Falconers Mark of Ware
Commentaires : = Falconers Marksman
12Falconers Workman of Ware
Commentaires : = Falconers Workman
13Sir Galahad of Ware
12Falconers Contest
12Falconers Wisdom13Sir Galahad of Ware
12Falconers Careful
Commentaires : GBCH
0Lady Audrey of Ware12Falconers Padlock of Ware
Commentaires : = Falconers Padlock
13Sir Galahad of Ware
12Falconers Careful
Commentaires : GBCH
0Greyhope Minx10Goldspeck of Ware
Pedigree de Friesland Garrie proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis