Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationCanisp Country Lass

12Nostrebor Nerkman
Commentaires : BRS 10/69
9Wells Fargo of Weirdene16Weirdene Barnscar Fisher12Barnscar Ajax
12Questing Seasprite
12Weirdene Trech Zenda12Joywyns Blue Boy of Ware
Commentaires : GBSHCH BIG Crufts 1952
12Talwrn Riverbank Romana
10Nostrebor Nonchalant
Commentaires : GBSHCH BRS 09/66
9Freshet Florin of Quatford
Commentaires : BRS 09/64
12Silver Cord of Quatford
Commentaires : BRS 02/63
12Freshet Flicka of Wykey
0Minnon of Quatford
Commentaires : BRS 10/62
12Dellah Merry Maker of Wykey
Commentaires : GBSHCH
0Motala Moorhen of Quatford
12Canisp Clovelly
Commentaires : BRS 12/67
16Sicklesmere White Rain
Commentaires : BRS 10/62
16Weirdene Barnscar Fisher12Barnscar Ajax
12Questing Seasprite
12Sicklesmere Blue Jeans12Winter Harvest of Weirdene
Commentaires : GBSHCH
0Sicklesmere Clematis
0Canisp Catriona12Weirdene Questing Strathspey
Commentaires : GBSHCH BRS 12/61
15Weirdene Questing Solitaire
10Questing Beryl
0Darnmill Diamente12Darnmill Colinwood Dare Devil
Commentaires : KG 11/58
12Darnmill Dulcet
Pedigree de Canisp Country Lass proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis