Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationMirth of Ware

12Fulmer Ben12Fairholme Rally9Belwell Swell9Byford Baron12Doony Swell
12Byford Betty
12Belwell Rattle12Dixon Bowdler
1Fan Bowdler
12Carry Bridge Reminder9Belwell Surprise1Arabian Sam
9Arab Phloss
12Rocklyn Roza12Carry Bridge Bramble
11Carry Bridge Navaho
9Fulmer Magpie0Keynston Pride2Rufus Bowdler12 Blue Peter
4Judy Bowdler
0Maulden Duchess8Lostock Lozenge
1Rivington Bee
0Else's Floss0Leamington12Ben Bowdler
12Colwyn Columbine
0Wingborne PrideInconnu
1Fairholme Brew12Fairholme Rally9Belwell Swell9Byford Baron12Doony Swell
12Byford Betty
12Belwell Rattle12Dixon Bowdler
1Fan Bowdler
12Carry Bridge Reminder9Belwell Surprise1Arabian Sam
9Arab Phloss
12Rocklyn Roza12Carry Bridge Bramble
11Carry Bridge Navaho
1Fairholme Twiddle1Rickford Roosevelt0Rickford Reuben0Jester of Ware
0Baston Beauty
0Rosalind Bowdler1Stour Success
0Rickford Rhoda
0Biddy of Ware0Sherington Guardsman0Sherington Guardian
0Sherington Lassie
0Sherington Gipsy Countess1Brunswick Darkie
0Sherington Bess
Pedigree de Mirth of Ware proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis