Gloriette d'Artémis - Wikipedi illustrationRosemary of Rosinore

0Reglow of Rosinore12Valstar Glow of Ide12Blue Flash of Ide0Cartref Contender12Harley Courtier
0Cartref Gay Model
0Merryworth Mayflower12Lucky Shandy of Merryworth
0Falconers Coronation
9Cobnar Mist12Cobnar Compact12Harley Courtier
0Cobnar Blossom
0Margot of Wyngates9Happy Jest of Ware
0Cobnar Magpie
0Rosinore Tideway Flashing Light9Domino of Ide12Blue Flash of Ide0Cartref Contender
0Merryworth Mayflower
16Rodwood Lass of Sandover12Falconers Mark of Ware
0Mareway Marie
12Tideway Bluewave0Heathranger of Eastlands12Marcus of Akron of Ware
0Sara of Pershore
0Tideway Mermaid12Nostrebor Chayn Weaver
0Bella of Eastlands
0Rosinore Spun Gold of Ide12Blue Flash of Ide0Cartref Contender12Harley Courtier12Cobnar Majestic of Harley
12Harley Blue Gown
0Cartref Gay Model12Gaylord of Woodhaw
0Cartref Clover
0Merryworth Mayflower12Lucky Shandy of Merryworth12Foxham Migrant
12Falconers Candace
0Falconers Coronation12Alexandran Jasper
12Falconers Corylus
12Chayn Dimity of Ide12Chayn Janitor12Nostrebor Chayn Weaver12Harley Sandylands Flare
12Chayn Falconers Bertha
12Chayn Jennifer Gay12Falconers Padlock of Ware
0Chayn Sally Peachum
12Chayn Little Wish12Flare of Motala12Harley Sandylands Flare
0 Silver Sonia
12Chayn Jennifer Gay12Falconers Padlock of Ware
0Chayn Sally Peachum
Pedigree de Rosemary of Rosinore proposé par WikiPedi du site La Gloriette d'Artémis